Berikut ini adalah font awesome dari huruf E dan F yang free, silakan digunakan.
Petunjuk penggunaan :
Jika tulisan biru, itu artinya bertipe brands, maka penulisannya <i class='fab fa-nama-icon'/>
contoh : <i class='fab fa-earlybirds'/>
Jika tulisan merah, itu artinya bertipe regular, maka penulisannya <i class='far fa-nama-icon'/>
contoh : <i class='far fa-edit'/>
Jika tulisan hijau, itu artinya bertipe solid, maka penulisannya <i class='fas fa-nama-icon/>
contoh : <i class='fas fa-egg'/>
| | | |
earlybirds | ebay | edge | edit |
| | | |
edit | egg | eject | elementor |
| | | |
ellipsis-h | ellipsis-v | ello | ember |
| | | |
envelope | envelope | envelope-open | envelope-open |
| | | |
empire | envelope-open-text | envelope-square | envira |
| | | |
equals | eraser | erlang | ethereum |
| | | |
ethernet | etsy | euro-sign | evernote |
| | | |
exchange-alt | exclamation | exclamation-circle | exclamation-triangle |
| | | |
expand | expand-alt | expand-arrows-alt | expeditedssl |
| | | |
external-link-alt | external-link-square-alt | eye | eye |
| | | |
eye-dropper | eye-slash | eye-slash | fan |
| | | |
facebook-f | facebook-messenger | facebook-square | facebook |
| | | |
fantasy-flight-games | fast-backward | fast-forward | faucet |
| | | |
fax | feather | feather-alt | fedex |
| | | |
fedora | female | fighter-jet | figma |
| | | |
file | file | file-alt | file-alt |
| | | |
file-archive | file-archive | file-audio | file-audio |
| | | |
file-code | file-code | file-contract | file-csv |
| | | |
file-download | file-excel | file-excel | file-export |
| | | |
file-image | file-image | file-import | file-invoice |
| | | |
file-invoice-dollar | file-medical | file-medical-alt | file-prescription |
| | | |
file-pdf | file-pdf | file-powerpoint | file-powerpoint |
| | | |
file-signature | file-upload | file-video | file-video |
| | | |
file-word | file-word | fill | fill-drip |
| | | |
film | filter | fingerprint | fire |
| | | |
fire-alt | fire-extinguisher | firefox | firefox-browser |
| | | |
first-aid | first-order | first-order-alt | firstdraft |
| | | |
fish | fist-raised | flag | flag |
| | | |
flag-checkered | flag-usa | flask | flickr |
| | | |
flipboard | flushed | flushed | fly |
| | | |
folder | folder | folder-minus | folder-plus |
| | | |
folder-open | folder-open | font | font-awesome-flag |
| | | |
font-awesome | font-awesome-alt | fonticons | fonticons-fi |
| | | |
football-ball | fort-awesome | fort-awesome-alt | forumbee |
| | | |
forward | foursquare | free-code-camp | freebsd |
| | | |
frown | frown | frown-open | frown-open |
| | | |
frog | funnel-dollar | futbol | futbol |
2 komentar:
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